

27 Feb


Thanks for the report, Tenno! Background apps do not get full audio while Warframe is running in the foreground, though we'll take this feedback into consideration!

As for the audio fully cutting out, have you noticed it occurring after getting a notification, or a phone call? We are aware of this issue and working on a fix! 


We're taking a look now, Tenno! Apologies for the inconvenience. In the meantime, this sequence should work with a gamepad / controller setup. If you do not have one, please wait for an upcoming hotfix! If you are now stuck in the quest, please reach out to support.warframe.com for help. Thanks!


Thank you Tenno, this issue is on our radar! We have addressed some of the other quest issues with touch controls, and the Komi fix is coming with a future hotfix. 


Thank you Tenno, we are investigating missing vibration / rumble on controllers like the DualShock 4, DualSense, and Xbox Controllers now. 

26 Feb


Hi Tenno, happy to hear you were able to get back in using your method! I believe this was related to our CERT update going out, which could have been solved by manually updating the app by visiting the App Store and updating Warframe. There may have been a short period where the Update option was not available as the update was rolling out globally to all regions. 


Thank you Tenno, we are aware of this issue where the virtual keyboard does not appear when trying to use a chat filter. It's on our team's list of issues to address in an upcoming hotfix!

Just now, lin said:

But there's no option to update in the Apple Store.

Depending on your region it may take a bit more time for the "Update" option to appear. It should occur momentarily!

12 minutes ago, daniel_the_cloud said:

So it’s saying I hafe to update before logging in but it’s not giving me the option to update rite now ?

Hello Tenno! While we are calling this a hotfix, it is technically a small CERT update -- therefore you may need to visit the App Store and hit Update on Warframe if you disable Automatic Updates on iOS.


Greetings Tenno! We've released a small update meant to tackle some communication and connection issues with the launcher, as well as other in-app fixes. 

While we are calling this a hotfix, it is actually a small CERT update. Depending on your Automatic App Update preferences, you may need to manually update the app. If you see "Unable to connect, please ensure you have the latest Warframe update installed" on the launcher, head to the App Store, search for Warframe and select "Update"


  • Fixed an issue where having Traditional Chinese selected in your iOS System language would show Simplified Chinese instead. 
  • Fixed the issue mentioned in Hotfix #4, where p...
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Tenno, thank you for playing Warframe on iOS! If you’ve encountered a bug, crash, or any other issue that is impacting your enjoyment of Warframe, we’d like to help.

Sending Error logs to Warframe Support is a great way to have your issue identified and fixed as swiftly as possible.

Retrieving logs on iOS

  • In-game, tap the settings icon in the top left corner of the screen
  • In the “Options”, tap the Envelope Icon to reach the “Account” Page
  • Select “Send Error Logs”
  • Download to your device by selecting “Save to Files”



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Hi Tenno, can you share a bit more information about the problem?
Are you using touch controls or a bluetooth controller? If a controller, which type?
What iPhone / iPad are you playing on? Thanks!


Thanks for putting this on our radar, Tenno! We have the issues with Nintendo Switch Pro Controller on our Known Issues list, and as you theorized these two may be similar. 

We cannot guarantee compatibility for all third party game pads, though it's possible that when the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller issue is resolved, it will improve the situation with your 8BitDo as well. 



Hi there, sorry to hear about these crashes, Tenno. Can you please download your logs and send them along to me in a Forums Direct Message? You can find "Send Error Logs" in the setings under Account. Please also let us know what iOS device you are playing on. Thanks again.



Thank you Tenno! We are currently aware of the issue when using a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and have this listed in our latest Known Issues post


23 Feb


Tenno! Before the weekend, we wanted to get some important fixes impacting touch control users.

Thank you for an exciting first week on iOS! We have more fixes, performance improvements and optimizations on the way next week. Until then we’ll continue to monitor feedback and reports!


  • You can now perform a Heavy Melee Attack via touch controls by holding the Aim button and Melee attacking.
    • Note: You must disable Auto Melee in the settings for the Melee button to appear.
    • This is a temporary change to address players being unable to progress past the required Glaive throw interactions in The New War and The Deadlock Protocol Quests. We will be adding a dedicated Heavy Melee Attack touch control button in the future.
      • Players may experience an issue with this change that causes them to get stuck Heavy Melee att...
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Thank you for an exciting first week on iOS! We've just deployed iOS Hotfix #4, which addresses the missing 4th Ability for some touch control users, and provides a temporary fix for the lack of a Heavy Melee button on the touch controls UI. We have plenty more fixes, performance improvements and optimizations on the way next week. Until then we’ll continue to monitor feedback and reports!

Before sh...

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Hi CryoticPryoticRyan and XukriWolf, could you please send me a direct message on the Forums with log files? You can find these by going to the Options, Account (Envelope Icon) then tapping Send Error Logs and saving the ZIP. 

Please be aware, the iPhone XR's lower RAM may be causing a memory issue. We are still working on improving optimizations, as well as including a warning pop-up when you are running out of memory. Again, if you can send along logs we'll be happy to take a closer look! 



Hi Tenno, we hope to get keyboard and mouse support for iOS in the future! For launch, we focused on touch controls and gamepad / controller support. Thanks for the feedback!


Thank you for the report, Tenno! We are aware of this issue and are working to address this in an upcoming hotfix. 

16 hours ago, Forcium said:

When we /profile said name to see their profile, it defaults to the iOS mobile account profile instead of showing their main account linked profile.  

Thanks for the report, Tenno, we're looking into this!